Putlocker is allows count as the one of the biggest movie streaming site in all time of streaming history. Putlocker is the finest streaming site where you can enjoy unlimited movies, series without paying any cost and registration. In the early age according to Alexa with in very short period of time Putlocker place in top 250 most visited site with almost more than 8 Million active traffic in each day. Pltlockers is started with dot com extension (putlockers.com) which is the original main site. Due its comfort features with clear navigation visitor allows get attracted with this site. The large number of database and storage of movies from 1940 is the biggest relief of movies lovers. In one words we can say Putlocker is one man army for stream movies and TV series.
Best Putlockers Alternative Sites to Stream Movies Free in 2024.
Those site are are very similar like Putlockes and you can use then in term one of the alternates of Putlockers. Those similar movie streaming site are registration less with very few pop up ads and you don’t need to buy any subscription package to watch TV shows and films online. Hare in this tutorial out specialist team are fund best list of alternates of Putlocker. Those are given bellow.
What is Putlocker
Putlocker is the UK based site which is launched in January 2012 for providing online streaming services like movies, TV series, web series and short movies. Another very popular online streaming platform Megaupload is the biggest competitor of Putlocker. But after Megaupload shut down Putlocker was becoming largest and very popular streaming site and it had been assume that Putlocker received more than 1.2 Millions daily visitors which is a huge number for any stream website. But in 2016 Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) thake action agenest Putlocker and due to high court order of UK putlocker.com is no longer. On 2nd November 2016 and 27th February 2017 Putlocker came with dot is and dot ch extension. But now no more Putlocker is available but several mirror or proxy site is available but those are not as good like original one.
List of Best Putlockers Alternative Sites
solarmovies is the one of the most trending searches for movie streaming purpose. Solarmovies should also same fill like putlocker. This site can fulfill all the criteria of a good streaming site of movies. That is reason we place solarmovies as the top of the listed site which are similar like Putlockers. The huge number of movies collection will confused you to select movie. The home page is design with simple categories (Genres, Years, New Movies and more also). You can watch hare most recent movies and most viewed movies. The representative feature of every movie is quite impressible like rating, actor, genre and much more. Only register users can stream ads free HD quality movies and TV shows. Solarmovies offers you to download movies in HD. Solarmovie is well supportable in mobile devices. “Is register is required to stream movies”? NO, “Is this site is free”? YES!
123movies is another most prominent and convenience safe site for online stream movies. 123-movies is loyal alternate of putlocker. 123 movies is mainly focus on entertainment. This site is worked with every detailing of movies and TV shows like release date, country, IMDb rating. As like Putlocker hare you don’t need any sign up for watch movie online. This site has huge collection of every genres movie (Action, Adventure, Animation, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Documentary, Drama, Family, Romance, Horror, Sci-Fi and Sport) and series with More than 1218 pages. This site is allows updated and frequently updated movies and TV shows every time. As like many streaming site many irrelevant ads and pop up ads are the one of the major drawback of this site.
Losmovies is conceder one of the major alternates of Putlocker from log time. This site offers you to stream unlimited movies at free. This site has massive collection of all genres movies like Action movies, Sci-Fi Movies, comedy, horror, drama and much more. For streaming purpose losmovies is very similar site like Putlocker because like putlocker hare you can watch unlimited movies without fill out any registration form (if video quality if 720P HD then Registration required). The landing home page is very easily design which boost user interface and addicted to visit this site again.
Most professional looking movie streaming site is moviewatcher. This site is well organized in each part with beautiful layout. The interface of this site is not less than a beautiful place. This site never asks you for registration or payment for stream movies online. Moviewatcher is work impressively in mobile surface also. There is no deficiency of movies and TV shows. Huge organize playlist library give us moviewatcher more significant. moviewatcher contain less amount of irritating pop up ads, As we compare with other movie streaming sites.
Popcorn-time is mainly design for movies and TV series lovers. Popcorn-time is one of the very popular movie streaming sites. This is the wander place to watch free movies in HD quality. This site use third party streaming link from torrent. So this site is not totally safe.
In terms of TV series streaming site like watchtvseries is the best alternate of Putlockers. If you are the TV series lover then watchtvseries will be not less than haven. The Putlocker fans who mostly like watch TV series must check this site at list one time. This site has full collection of the entire TV series episode with IMDb rating. This site well categories various genres TV series of Action, Adventure, Animation and Biography. The entire TV series available in this site is HD quality. The advance search option like Genres and year of release series make comfort to find any movies and TV shoes easily. Hare you also download any series but several logistic pop up ads make you irritate some time (Must active ads blocker before use this site).
moonline is another finest movie streaming site as you can steam movies on your mobile, tab or laptop. Hare all the movies are stored by alphabetically with fine detailing of IMDb rating and quality. Landing page is very well organized. Before start watches any movie you can watch any movies Synopsis and rating which is the unique feature of Moonline. Totally no sign up required for streaming any movies. This site is quite comfortable on mobile devices. Moonline is one of the very few sites where you can stream movies in HD (720P) and ultra HD (1080P) quality. Replay Video Capture is the additional feature included by this site which helps you to convert and capture the movie which you previously watch out. So without any hesitation you can consider moonline is one of the best alternate or same sites like Putlocker.
Don’t this that vexmovies is not as good as like other Sites like Putlocker. Vexmovies can make strong challenge any movie streaming site in each category. Hare the site is well developed and nice deviate in to Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror and Science Fiction. This site offers you to stream movies in full HD version. This site added additional features like trailer, complete cast, rating and more.
Those above describe sites are best 12 alternates of Putlockers. If you ensure security by VPN then those site is the best place to watch movies and TV series online at free. Those listed site are not exactly same like Putlocker, there are little difference in video quality and interface. Although this is not the ending list if we get another similar site like Putlocker then we update out list. Now time to enjoy movies.